Growing weed requires dedicated gardeners who are ready to make the right choices at every step of the way. Weed, or cannabis, can dry out easily, requires constant care, and their roots need aeration. It is not the easiest plant to grow. However, most of the challenges in growing weed can be overcome by using the right pot. This makes picking the right pot the most crucial decision in growing weed. Gardeners need to do their due diligence and consider some important factors while making that decision. Here is a guide to help them choose the best pots for growing weed.

Get the Basics Right

Plenty of gardeners make the same mistake of choosing the pots only by taking into consideration the needs of the cannabis plants. To grow the crop successfully, they should also consider the space they have at their disposal. They should know whether they have the necessary space for a big pot. Also, they must get a pot of size that can maintain and support the plant that grows in it.

It might not look like much, but taking these precautionary first steps will make it a lot easier to find the most suitable pots for growing weed in a limited space.

Roots Need their Space

Weed plants have a fibrous root system. The more room they get for spreading, the more complex is their root system. After considering the space constraints, pick up a pot that provides the maximum surface area. Pots like the 30-liter square pot make it easier for the growing weed to spread its roots to the maximum and absorb nutrients more efficiently.

If the pots are too small or taper at a steep angle, then it may lead to the roots getting bungled up at the bottom. This leads to root breakage and skewed absorption of nutrients and will have a visible impact on the growth of the plant. Pots that provide the maximum surface are the best pots for growing weed. So, considering the space constraints, pick the biggest one possible.

Weed Plants like their Water

Weed plants can be too temperamental for some gardeners, especially regarding their water requirements. Growing weed requires the gardener to commit to a watering schedule that’s just perfect. Forget to water and the roots will dry out, leaving the plant dead. Water it too much and it will hinder the aeration of roots, again leading to the roots getting damaged.

When growing such a sensitive plant, it is essential to place the pot in a cool dry place, water it well and put a good drainage system in place. The 30-liter drainage collection pot is an ideal choice in such cases. It allows the roots to grow and absorb as much water as the plant requires. If there is an oversupply of water, the seven centre holes allow the excess water to drain into the gutter beneath it. This keeps the surroundings clean while ensuring optimum water supply to the roots.

More Oxygen for Growing Weed

Aeration of the roots is important for any plant. Given the fibrous nature of the weed roots, aeration becomes all the more important for them. However, it is possible that because of the density of the soil or the excess supply of water, the roots are not able to absorb enough oxygen from the surroundings. This can wreak havoc on the quality of the plant and the overall produce.

Eventually, it becomes essential for a gardener to opt for a pot like 25-liter square pot that can overcome all these challenges. The pot offers 32 holes in the centre of the pot to allow oxygen uptake directly to the root system. This additional source of oxygen aids in the development of healthier roots and consequently, a better yield. In addition, the smart design of such pots includes a pyramid base that helps in speedy drainage. The pot also comes with legs that are connected to the edge hole. This again helps in better circulation of air. But, more than that, the legs do not allow a saturated zone of water to be formed at the bottom of the pot. This saturated zone of water impedes the uptake of oxygen by the roots.

best pots for growing weed

Making the Right Choice

Choosing the best pots for growing weed is not the easiest task because of the peculiar needs of the plant. However, following a few simple steps can ensure that the gardeners find the perfect pot for their needs. Weed will grow in any pot with soil and water. But, there is a difference between growing a healthy plant that produces thick stems, nice buds, and an impressive yield, and just growing another weed plant. The difference is night and day, not just to the eye, but in its effects too.