Growing berries

/Growing berries

Tomas Gonzalez, Head of Production at Snack Berries Chile Testimonial

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Tomas Gonzalez, Head of Production at Snack Berries: "We have seen that the varieties that we produce perform better in Plantlogic pots, getting higher yields compared to other containers and bags"  "Its unique design is a plus, also its good drainage and good results in root conformation, has helped us a lot in managing the crop in Snack Berries"     In this article we present Tomas Gonzalez testimonial, Head [...]

Rethinking the Zephyr

Growing berries, Plastic Plant Pots|

The industry leader in Root Control and Air Pruning Pots At Plantlogic we are constantly challenging ourselves to design and improve our pots to help our customer achieve the best results. Our recent challenge has been improving our first-generation Zephyr pot. We have growers around the world getting great results with this pot, but [...]

Blueberry Season: Top 10 key requirements for growing blueberries in containers

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Blueberries provide many health benefits in a balanced diet, ranging from antioxidant properties that prevent premature aging, to diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol control. If you are about to start growing blueberries, you have come to the right place! In this article we introduce essential information that will help you in this endeavor. The first thing to keep [...]

Hydroponic Cultivation, Substrate and Containers

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Hydroponic Cultivation. Due to the increasing scarcity of quality agricultural soils and their heterogeneity, hydroponic (soilless) cultivation has become increasingly common in recent years in all countries of the world. In addition, this type of crop technology allows to make water and fertilizer resources more efficient, generating a lower environmental impact in relation to the [...]

Growing Blackberries in Containers

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Berries have proven to be an ideal candidate for container growing. All berries grow well in containers including blackberries. On land, blackberries are known to multiply quickly and take over a garden in a small amount of time. This makes it essential to control their growth in a garden. Growing blackberries in a container provides [...]