The roots are the first organ from a plant that is born when the seed begins to germinate. As they grow, the roots are introduced into the soil or substrate to do different functions that are beneficial to the crop. However, even knowing that the life of the crop begins with the roots, people do not provide the care and attention that they really need.

In the next paragraphs, we will talk about the main function of the roots and also the best option you can consider for their correct care.

What are the main functions?

The roots realize various functions in the cultivation, we can mention the next:

-Support and fixation of the plant: The roots can penetrate several layers of the soil or substrate, to be able to anchor themselves with their branches and this way holds the plant, ensuring its stability against air currents, rain or the gravity.

-Absorption of substances: They absorb water and nutrients from the soil, mainly through their absorbent hairs.

-Conduction of substances: The roots carry water and mineral salts to the leaves, as well as organic substances produced for the rest of the plant.

-Vegetative reproduction: Some plants can reproduce vegetatively through the roots and in other cases if the root suffers an injury it can produce a bud that develops into a new plant.

Plants breathe too

We could assume that crops have everything they need when they are planted, but this is not the case. Like the rest of living beings, the roots require a fundamental element, oxygen. And how do plants breathe? The answer is simple, they do it through the roots.

Many growers believe that every time they water the plants, they are providing them enough oxygen. Unfortunately, this does not fit reality, because in this way the only thing they cause is what is known as root suffocation.

Root suffocation is generated by a deficit in oxygen availability due to excess moisture in the soil or substrate.; therefore the key to ideal growth of any crop is to maintain the optimal environment of the root zone, which allows the ideal oxygenation.

Healthy Roots

Innovative solutions for root care

At Plantlogic we are always looking for opportunities to help growers before and during their production periods, that´s why our products can make this possible thanks to their innovative and unique designs in the market.

We are aware that one of the most important things is to provide sufficient air circulation and adequate irrigation and drainage to the roots, in that way the plant can grow healthier. With this in mind, our pots were designed to satisfy these necessities.

Our portfolio extends to a wide variety of pots of different sizes, from 3 to 40 liters, as well as a round or square shape. These have high legs 3 cm from the ground which keep the roots isolated to avoid contact with pathogenic organisms that can cause disease. Its pyramidal base and drainage holes are designed to force the drainage to the sides, Its pyramidal base and drainage holes are designed to force the drainage to the sides, having in this way an adequate access of oxygen from the bottom which allows the self-pruning of the root.

Now, you know more about this topic, however it is worth reminding you that if you give the correct care and attention to the roots of your crops, they can stay healthy and strong generating high yields.

Plantlogic Pot