Growing vegetables at home is an activity that has been increasing in recent months, not only as occupational therapy during isolation to contain COVID-19, but also as an alternative to generate our own food.

Thanks to these benefits, people around the world started with home growing. But even though it is an easy activity to do, many of them are facing some problems because they have never had the opportunity to do it before.

That is why we want to show you the most common mistakes that you do not want to make when start growing your own vegetables at home.

The ideal light

Light is an essential element for crop’s life because it allows it to process the nutrients taken from the soil and turn them into food. However, the amount of light is different, depending of the crop: some species need a lot of light, while others with little is more than enough.

The mistake we can make in this case is to ignore three aspects, the amount, type, and intensity of light that our crop needs. To solve this problem, simply do the correct research to determine what alternatives you can consider to provide the light it needs for its development.

A good alternative is one of the many qualities of Plantlogic plastic pots, which, thanks to their lightweight design, allow the crop to be moved from one place to another more easily, controlling in this way its exposure to sunlight, according to the necessity that the crop demands.

Improper watering

Just like humans or animals, crops need water for their proper growth. In the same way, as the light needed, the amount of water will depend on the type of crop, and that is when you make the mistake because you don’t know how much you should provide.

For example, if you provide the crop too much water, it can drown the roots, but if you do the opposite it will dry up, causing its death.

That’s why it is very important that you are constantly checking the state of the crop or if you want to save time and make watering easier, Plantlogic offers its irrigation kit with a timer, which will allow you to program automatic watering cycles removing one more worry.

But, either manual or with an automatic system, it is ideal to investigate what are the amounts of water recommended by experts for each vegetable that you have in mind to grow.

The incorrect use of the fertilizer


Fertilizer is a basic substance for the development of any plant. The excess fertilization and lack of fertilization are two factors that are generally not given as much importance, causing an inefficient crop growth.

Plants with a lack of fertilization not only show slower growth, but they also become weak and they have more risk of being attacked by insects and disease. On the other hand, when there is an excess of fertilization, the plant can be damaged in several ways, causing them to grow weak, too tall, and thin. Also, the tips of the fragile roots can burn.

In this situation, it is recommended that you investigate the product with a trustworthy source, as well as the correct amount to provide your crop and can be healthy and strong.

Existence of pests

This is a very common topic in the world of agriculture. The pests in the crops that we may have in our home are a recurring problem in this class of projects. These are caused by a population of insects or similar species that attack the crop, affecting its development.

The most common mistakes that can be made are the ignorance of the species and how we can eradicate it or also realize too late that our crop has already been invaded by one of them.

For this reason, it is recommended that you be pending of the slightest appearance of an insect, and with it look for the most effective solution to avoid a pest that can ruin the life of your crop.

The importance of space

The space where crops are planted is vital because it becomes their home for life. However, many do not consider this important element and fall into the mistake of planting them in any type of container or pot, forgetting the needs that they may have like the proper drainage and ventilation. Adequate space can make the difference between a healthy yield and a dead crop.

For this reason, the wide range of Plantlogic pots have an innovative design that allows the home grower to have the optimal space for the crop to grow and stay healthy.

The pyramidal base of the pots forces the water to drain on the outer edges, minimizing the wet area, while the holes in the bottom allow the absorption of oxygen in the center of the root preventing the growth downwards and strangulation.

In addition to everything mentioned before, the wide legs that they have help prevent the contact of the root with the soil because it contains pathogens that can cause diseases.

With this, there is no doubt that Plantlogic pots will become the ideal home for your crops, growing healthy and strong.

Home Growing

Don’t fall into the mistake

Knowing these main common problems and how to solve them is vital to avoid falling into any of them. When you are ready to start your own vegetables at home, do your best to learn about the basic requirements (water, light, fertilizer, pesticide, etc.) that you will need according to the vegetables that you already have considered. Do not forget that it will also be important to provide adequate space for its proper development.

With these basic recommendations that you have read, and with the help of Plantlogic products, you could obtain the best crops that you would have ever imagined.