A new 30L container for soft fruit production is equipped with irrigation hoses that can be adjusted following the development of the crop and this way guaranteeing optimum irrigation throughout the growing seasons. 

At Plantlogic we are always looking for opportunities to simplify processes and help growers during and around their production periods and our newly developed pot for soft fruit production makes it possible.

The new pot has openings for the irrigation hose in three different sizes 12 cm, 16 cm and 26.2 cm depending on the vegetative state of the plant. The openings can be used in different positions, close for the young plant and closer towards the edge for the more mature plant. We are helping growers to no longer have to use extra mounting material in their operations for the irrigation hose.

There are different things to consider in order to grow high quality blueberries consistently. One of the most important things is to ensure enough air circulation and proper irrigation and drainage to the root system, so that the plant can grow healthier. Roots matter and in order to have good roots, there should be good irrigation, drainage and air circulation. Our new patented container was specifically designed to care of this matter for the soft fruit production.

Better irrigation

What is the importance of having good irrigation in blueberries? And what’s the importance of healthy roots? It might be clear to most growers by now – but If you have perfect roots, you will have a better growing plant. A better growing plant means a higher performance and faster growing plant and a faster growing plant will mean a higher yielding plant.

Effective drainage

Fertigation management support while maximizing drainage and oxygen uptake so blueberry plants are happy even if the irrigation schedule isn’t perfect. The pot has 52 holes for drainage and oxygen uptake, the pyramid shaped base pushes drainage to the edges where air pruning occurs, leaving room for oxygen uptake through the center holes. Wide legs help support balanced irrigation even when using high flow substrates such as coarse coco fiber. Wide legs also help prevent heavy plants from sinking into soft ground.

At Plantlogic we are always looking for opportunities to simplify processes and help growers during and around their production periods and our newly developed pot for soft fruit production makes it possible.

In Plantlogic our goal is to help growers create optimum growth with products supplying enough air and water for blueberry plants’ specific needs, guaranteeing the best distribution of water through-out the container. According to our clients this new container gives great results and they very much like the design.