To produce the juiciest, plumpest and magnificently delicious berries, the plant must be bred in just the perfect conditions.

Berries usually require good exposure to sunlight and plenty of water for their fibrous root systems. In addition, each berry has a different taste in soil. Blueberries like their soil acidic, while raspberries like it neutral. All of these unique needs make container gardening the right choice for growing berries. They can be easily moved to increase their exposure to the sun. Moreover, it definitely becomes easier to keep them hydrated. Most important of all, each berry plant can be potted according to its specific soil needs.

Like every other successful project, getting the basics right is critical here and should start with the right container. Missing such a basic yet vital detail can cost heavily on the harvest. Here are some spectacular ideas for container gardening berries that will provide the berries an excellent home to grow.


Don’t Let Them Dry

Berries are naturally juicy and luscious. So, they need their fair share of water to grow into their juicy, delicious best. The basic requirement of growing any berry is to water it regularly. Take strawberries for example. They are one of the most sizeable berries and understandably need more space. They also need 8 hours of sunlight. But most important of all, the soil in which they grow must not be allowed to dry out. This is a peculiar requirement that can be fulfilled by plastic pots that do not get heated up under sunlight quickly and hence, help keep the soil well-hydrated for extended periods.

The roots of strawberries do not need a lot of depth, but they do need a lot of water. Don’t pick a small pot to grow this berry, because that will require frequent watering or the plant will just wither away. Instead, it is better to plant 5 to 8 saplings in a 30 Liter Square Pot that caters to all the needs of a strawberry plant. Its pyramid base and 32 holes at the bottom allow optimum drainage and keep the roots well-aerated.


They Need Company

container gardening berries

Many berries require other saplings to populate a pot. For instance, blueberries need to be planted with other blueberry plants to encourage pollination. Hence, for such berries, it is advisable to get a pot with a larger diameter to accommodate the friends and family.

Interestingly enough, blueberries also need their vertical space. So, while growing this berry, it’s a good idea to pick the largest plastic pots available. A product like the 40 liter round pot, which is about 14″ wide and 18″ tall, fulfils the need for both the depth as well as the width that the blueberries demand. The 48 holes at the bottom of the pot also allow proper aeration, which is a necessity with so many roots clumped together.


Give Them Their Space

Berries such as gooseberries and currants can be grown in plastic pots, provided that they are receiving their optimum share of water supply. Therefore, it is important to ascertain that the pots chosen for these plants can hold lots of water and can contain the roots of these berries. Since it is the height of the pot that matters in this case, the 20 Liter Square Pot works best. At 13″ tall, it is the perfect candidate for the job. The height of the pot helps in retaining a good amount of water, while giving the roots the space to grow. This container is medium sized and is ideal for container gardening, as it can fit even in cramped areas.


Look for Small Space Wonders

Container gardening is a good choice for plants that can bloom in small spaces and can yield a lot of produce with limited resources. Plants like raspberries and blackberries fit the bill perfectly. All they require is an abundance of sun and some good drainage. They can grow in a container such as a 20 Liter Round Pot. It is easy to move these pots around. Moreover, the legs connected to the holes on the edge of the pot are instrumental in preventing saturated zone, because they break the drainage surface tension. Consequently, the roots enjoy good airflow.

Innovation is the Way for Container Gardening

Container gardening berries is one of the most common gardening practices employed across the globe. With space becoming a valued resource, this type of gardening is becoming more and more prevalent and relevant. However, it does not change what the plants need in order to produce glorious harvests. So, it becomes a necessity to innovate and create products that can provide the plants everything they need within the limited space that container gardening permits. While there is a lot of focus on the kind of soil, tools, and gardening habits to be employed, ironically the ‘container’ part in ‘container gardening’ is often overlooked.

It is important to know that not every container can be used for container gardening.

The right pot is key to keeping the soil aerated and for maintaining healthy roots, providing optimum hydration and more. It is the base over which the plant will stand. So, picking a thoughtfully designed product, which is innovative in its design and effective in its use, is absolutely essential.