Drainage holes in plant pots allow growers to grow healthier plants and get higher yields. Such plant pots safeguard the plant from the risk of rotten roots and dry leaves due to the overwatering. These well-designed pots have strategically placed holes at the bottom to provide the necessary path for the water to go out. Then, there are drainage collection pots that also provide the perfect growing conditions for all varieties of plants. They come with an additional gutter in the bottom that collects all the drainage water coming out from below. Following up are the multiple benefits of using the drainage collection pots.

Humidity Control
Greenhouses and other controlled environments require certain levels of humidity to be maintained. Regular pots retain all the water used for irrigation. The extra water forms a film on top of the substrate, which then evaporates into the greenhouse atmosphere, increasing the humidity. Dehumidifiers are used to maintain the desired humidity levels in that controlled environment.
Drainage collection pots, on the other hand, allow the excess water to drain out completely. Even in large volume pots like the 30 Liter Drainage Collection Pot, there is hardly any evaporation. When there is no surplus water in the substrate, the water does not evaporate. The reduced evaporation makes it easier for the greenhouse to maintain its ideal levels of humidity.

Proper Air Circulation
The holes in the drainage collection pots not only help in maintaining the right moisture levels for the plant but also allow the roots to breathe more freely. The vents allow the roots to have easy access to atmospheric oxygen[. The increased oxygen uptake makes the root system thrive, but this may lead to another issue. The limited space of plant pots, as in the case of the 7 Liter Drainage Collection Pot, may not be able to provide sufficient space for the fervently growing roots. But, the drainage holes in these pots take care of this problem too. The airflow through the holes helps in root pruning. With the extra roots naturally pruned off, the remaining root system has enough space to support a healthy plant.

Easy Maintenance
Drainage collection pots provide the roots with the perfect environment to grow. The air circulates freely through the plant system, and the water drains out completely. However, the constant drainage can also create a mess every time the plant is watered. This can be taken care of by using pots like the 9 Liter Drainage Collection Pot that come with a gutter at the bottom. These gutters collect all the water coming out of the pots, thus containing the run-off from the substrate. Also, the gutter is narrow in width and light in weight. So, it can be easily drained off and washed quickly, whenever needed, thereby making it easy to maintain container fields.
Controlled Cultivation
With gutters collecting all the excess water coming out of the pot, it becomes easy for the grower to collect representative samples to check factors like irrigation volume, pH, and more. This can be done by using well-designed Lysimeter Kit. They assist the growers in accurately measuring and monitoring the drainage. Lysimeters kits from Plantlogic fit close to the pots manufactured by them. This makes sure that minimum volume of drainage water gets evaporated. The tight fit also keeps the drainage from the pot getting contaminated. Therefore, the pot and the lysimeter work in sync to ensure correct readings.
Prevent Water Pollution
Drainage collection pots score well in terms of functionality, and they are better for the environment too. Drainage pots without a gutter, flush all the excess water into the soil below. This constant dumping drainage water into the earth below can lead to groundwater pollution. In the case of drainage collection pots, all the drain water is collected in the gutters underneath. Once the gutters fill up, the water can be safely disposed of in a planned fashion.
Drainage collection pots gives growers more control over their crops. They allow them to grow healthier roots, get better yields and even prevent contamination of the groundwater. These are the plant pots that have been designed for controlled environments. They offer a high degree of flexibility to the grower and put lots of decisions in their hand. The ability to tweak the smallest of factors affecting the plant growth make sure that the grower is able to maximize the yield while minimizing the costs.
You can browse through drainage collection pots from Plantlogic on Amazon.
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