large planter pots

/Tag:large planter pots

    Plantlogic 5th Anniversary


    Plantlogic celebrates its 5th anniversary collaborating with growers and developing innovation in Mexico    Plantlogic's roots go back to 2013 when Israel Holby, a designer by profession and an entrepreneur by conviction, was asked if it was possible to design a better pot for growing blueberries. From that moment, Israel began to build the [...]

      Blueberry Plants in Pots or Grow Bags? The growers’ dilemma.

      Blueberry Pots|

      "We come from the pine industry where we learned over 20 years that the container is essential to determine the quality of the plant"   “It’s obvious that a rigid container with ribs and U-grooves that facilitate good drainage will give you better results when growing blueberries. Grow bags will never be the same [...]

      About Us New


      Who is Plantlogic? Plantlogic was founded in 2013 by Israel Holby when asked by a classmate in graduate school, “can you make a blueberry pot with legs, a better pot?”. With a career in R&D and manufacturing he received many unusual requests so asked to know more about why this product was needed. His classmate turned [...]

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      Innovative products for smart growers! We are focused on designing and manufacturing substrate production containers, to help growers have better management of their crops with increased uniformity, resulting in higher and stronger yields. Happy plants by design Our growing containers are designed specifically for soft fruit production in substrate, they also support healthy roots and [...]

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        Tomas Gonzalez, Head of Production at Snack Berries Chile Testimonial

        Growing berries|

        Tomas Gonzalez, Head of Production at Snack Berries: "We have seen that the varieties that we produce perform better in Plantlogic pots, getting higher yields compared to other containers and bags"  "Its unique design is a plus, also its good drainage and good results in root conformation, has helped us a lot in managing the crop in Snack Berries"     In this article we present Tomas Gonzalez testimonial, Head [...]