Berry plants range from small bushes to tall vines, are typically sturdy, and have specific growing conditions. Even the smaller sized plants bear plenty of fruit. The plant size and their typical requirements make them an ideal candidate for container gardening. This is especially true for raspberry plants. While all berries can grow in containers, each of them requires a different set of optimum conditions. When growing raspberries gardeners need to use a specific type of growing medium, watering schedule, and also different kinds of pots than what they would generally use for other berries. Therefore, gardeners interested in growing them must understand the unique needs of these plants in order to identify the best pots for growing raspberries. Here is a quick guide to assist them in the process.

Containers Should Have a Wide Mouth

The first and foremost requirement for growing raspberries in pots is that they need plenty of space. Some of the raspberry varieties grow so much that they cannot be contained in a pot. However, there are a lot of other varieties that can easily flourish in pots. That said, they still require their fair share of space, as they are voluminous plants. Wide-mouthed pots are best pots for growing raspberries because they allow each of the plants to get enough sunlight. Raspberry plants require at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight every day. A small pot will press together the plants and make it difficult for some of them to get sufficient sunlight. This will have a direct impact on the total yield.

The 10 Liter Drainage Collection Pot offers plenty of space between different saplings. A pot with a narrow mouth will not be able to balance the amount of growth of the raspberry plant. It also allows each plant to grow full and bushy and gives enough space for them to absorb the sunlight and for the fruit to grow.

They Should Have Enough Depth

To support the healthy growth of the raspberry plant, the pots used to grow them should have optimal depth. The raspberry plant grows its roots quickly. If the extensive underground root systems of the plant are not accorded an abundance of space to expand freely, the roots can twist and spindle. Even with ample nutrition, water, and sun, the plant will register stunted growth. In extreme cases, the raspberry plants may even die out.

Pots like the 40 Liter Round Pot provide sufficient space for the root system to flourish. There are 48 holes in the center that encourage direct oxygen supply to the roots. These conditions are ideal for growing raspberries. As a thumb rule, choose the bigger pot whenever possible. A pot can be too small for growing raspberries, but it can never be too big for them. Raspberry plants can grow big and bear fruit for years. Pick out a pot that can support this growth.

Drainage Pots are a Must

Soil aeration is critical for growing raspberries. The roots of the raspberry plants are extremely prone to root rot. This means that the gardeners must take care of two things. First, the plant should receive the correct amount of water. The plant must not sit in wet soil any more than what’s necessary. Secondly, the best pots for growing raspberries are those that have multiple drainage holes. The more holes, the better. This allows the roots to breathe and encourages their growth.

Pots like the 30 Liter Drainage Collection Pot are ideal for growing raspberries. There are 26 side holes in the pot. They keep the oxygen concentration high around the root system. In addition to them, there are 7 holes in the center of the pot. They help in discharging the excess water out, which drains into the gutter underneath. Such pots offer excellent root ventilation, proper drainage and the ability to move the drained water away from the growing area via the gutter.

Growing Raspberries the Right Way

Gardeners who plan on growing raspberries must ensure that they provide the plant well-drained and fertile growing medium, trellised support of the canes, protection against strong winds, and plenty of sunlight. As compared to similar fruit, raspberries are far easier to grow.

With the proper care, raspberries can produce fruit for many seasons. The first step towards taking the ‘proper’ care of the plant is selecting the best pots for growing raspberries. The right pot will support the plant above the ground and provide a suitable environment for the roots to grow under. Given that raspberries can bear fruit for years, a wrong pot can cost the gardener years’ worth of crop. That is why it is so important to grow raspberries in the right containers. You can find Plantlogic pots on