best strawberry plants for hydroponics

/Tag:best strawberry plants for hydroponics

    The new Hi-Grow system from Plantlogic is emerging as the best option for hydroponic strawberry production in Mexico

    Cultivo de Fresa o Frutilla, Tabletop Growing System|

    "What a grower looks for is to economize, and metal gutters are really more expensive and don't provide the same functionality or the added benefits you need during production, such as avoiding sodium issues, keeping your plants healthy and at a good height, and making everything more efficient; and I've seen this with the [...]

    Tabletop Strawberry Growing System

    Strawberry Growing|

    Our Hi-Grow strawberry growing system was developed from the ground up based on the fundamentals of substrate production – standardize, control, improve oxygenation and drainage, separate roots from drainage, all while reducing capital costs. We broke the tradition of using expensive metal gutters when we developed our breakthrough product. We not only reduce costs but [...]

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    Innovative products for smart growers! We are focused on designing and manufacturing substrate production containers, to help growers have better management of their crops with increased uniformity, resulting in higher and stronger yields. Happy plants by design Our growing containers are designed specifically for soft fruit production in substrate, they also support healthy roots and [...]

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