Tabletop Growing System

/Tabletop Growing System

The new Hi-Grow system from Plantlogic is emerging as the best option for hydroponic strawberry production in Mexico

Cultivo de Fresa o Frutilla, Tabletop Growing System|

"What a grower looks for is to economize, and metal gutters are really more expensive and don't provide the same functionality or the added benefits you need during production, such as avoiding sodium issues, keeping your plants healthy and at a good height, and making everything more efficient; and I've seen this with the [...]

Introducing totally new solution to transition from soil to substrate tabletop system

Tabletop Growing System|

Plantogic is proud to present the newest version of our Hi-Grow tabletop strawberry growing system While metal gutters tabletop systems have been widely used in tabletop strawberry growing for hydroponic strawberry production, they are expensive and often fall short in optimizing root aeration. The Hi-Grow system has been developed based on the fundamental principles [...]

  • strawberry elevated system

Maximize your strawberry production with Plantlogic´s tabletop growing systems

Tabletop Growing System|

Plantlogic is focused on developing and producing containers and growing systems for substrate agriculture. The benefits of tabletop strawberry production are well known – boosting yields using substrate techniques and reducing labor cost. However, the capital investment needed for the most common system, metal gutters, can be a major barrier to expansion of this [...]